Thomas Galvin, Attorney and Partner at Rose Law Group, wins big in Maricopa County supervisor race

By Sasha Hupka | Arizona Republic

Maricopa County Supervisor Tom Galvin of Phoenix was leading by a wide margin Tuesday evening in a hotly contested race defined by the results of the 2020 election.

His District 2 seat representing much of the East Valley was the only one on the Board of Supervisors up for grabs in Tuesday’s election, but the race carried the potential to alter the Board of Supervisors’ unified stance on election integrity.

“I’m grateful, and just honored,” Galvin said as results came in Tuesday night. “It was an honor to be selected by the board back in December, but now getting affirmation from the voters of District 2 means a lot more, and it’s very satisfying.”

Galvin ran against three Republicans: Doug Little of Scottsdale, a former member of the Arizona Corporation Commission; Thayer Verschoor of Gilbert, a former state lawmaker who has echoed false allegations of widespread fraud in Arizona during the 2020 election; and Gail Golec of Scottsdale, a realtor who has spread election conspiracies and urged voters to replace county-provided, quick-dry pens at the polls on Tuesday.

“He ran a great campaign … so I wouldn’t say this is just about election issues,” said Board Chairman Bill Gates. “But, the reality is, he’s spoken very clearly and forcefully about the 2020 election and about how we run elections, and I got to tell you, it is very gratifying to see that it looks like the voters are going to elect him.”