The Trump administration’s proposed rule would allow adoption agencies that refuse to place children with LGBTQ families to still collect federal dollars.
By Tim Fitzsimons | NBC
During an event celebrating National Adoption Month, Vice President Mike Pence praised a proposed Trump administration rule that would allow federal funding to flow to adoption agencies that refuse to place children with LGBTQ families, among others.
“We’ve reversed the rule implemented in the closing days of the last administration that jeopardized the ability of faith-based providers to serve those in need by penalizing them for their deeply held religious beliefs,” Pence said at an event Tuesday at the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington. “We will stand for the freedom of religion and we will stand with faith-based organizations to support adoption.”
Pence said he “couldn’t be more proud” of the “decisive action” taken at “President Trump’s direction” on this issue.
“This proposed rule not only presents as inherently discriminatory against members of the LGBTQ community but also aims to deprive needy children of loving homes with good people. I’m sad to see that we live in a culture where discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation would be endorsed to the detriment children who are in need.”