When you consult with Adam Trenk, Esq., for help with an equestrian matter, a real estate transaction, dealing with government agencies, or to resolve a dispute, you aren’t hiring just any lawyer. You are consulting with a man who has been a dedicated public servant and advocate for the equestrian lifestyle.
What makes this Equine Attorney just right for the job, and easy to relate to for all horsemen, stems from more than just his education. Growing up with horses and working with them throughout the country, Trenk has spend the last seven years involved in government and working to support the equestrian lifestyle in Arizona. His passion stems from his experiences growing up. One of his first jobs was working as a stable hand for a boarding facility in rural New Jersey, and he apprenticed as a horse trainer for several summers in his late teens. He understands the “lingo” of the horse trade. Trenk, head of Rose Law Group pc’s Equine Law Department, is a life-long horseman, and you can be sure he understands those business and transnational issues that are unique to the horse industry.
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