By Jen Fifield | Arizona Republic
Maricopa County’s newest supervisor will be Tom Galvin, a land use attorney with Rose Law Group.
The Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Wednesday morning to appoint Galvin to the District 2 spot vacated last month by Steve Chucri.
Supervisor Bill Gates made the motion to appoint Galvin, saying that with all eyes on the board after the controversy surrounding the Arizona Senate’s review of the county’s 2020 election, Galvin is the best person to represent the district.
Gates said that with Galvin’s experience with issues in the county and his understanding of the role the supervisors play, “he is ready to hit the ground running.”
“He is ready to take on the tough issues,” he said. “He is ready to do what’s right. He is not going to tell people what they want to hear. He is going to tell people what they need to hear. That’s the type of public servant we need right now.”