Jordyn Holderman

Jordyn Holderman

Administration Assistant

Jordyn serves the Rose Law Group team as an administration assistant.

She achieved her Associate degree in Fashion Merchandising at Mesa Community College, as fashion has always been a huge interest of hers. In her free time, she likes to go thrift shopping, go to concerts, and spend time with my friends and family. She loves trying new things and exploring outside of her comfort zone!

In The News

BrightNight and Cordelio sign PPA deal with APS for 1,200MWh BESS; a big boost for ‘reliable power,’ says Court Rich, Rose Law Group co-founder and director of the firm’s renewable energy & utility infrastructure department

The Pioneer clean energy center will be built in Yuma County, Arizona. Image: BrightNight (Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents BrightNight.) Court Rich, co-founder of Rose Law Group and director of the firm’s renewable energy & utility infrastructure department, tells RLGR: “This project will go a long way to helping Arizona meet its ever-increasing need for more reliable power. By combining solar and batteries

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Rose Law Group is hiring… Legal Receptionist

LEGAL RECEPTIONIST Rose Law Group pc is seeking an experienced receptionist to project a positive helpful image at our front desk and provide administrative support. Primary responsibilities include greeting and announcing visitors; answering multi‐line phone; providing answers to general inquiries; scheduling consultation meetings and processing payments; organizing and maintaining paper and electronic files. This is an excellent opportunity to take

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Ashley Hutton, family law attorney at Rose Law Group, says Arizona Supreme Court’s amendment of family law procedures is not without trade-offs

By Hoodline The legal landscape of family law in Arizona has seen a significant alteration as the state’s supreme court has implemented emergency amendments to the rules that govern a party’s ability to change judges. This action comes on the heels of a recent Court of Appeals decision, which has prompted a reevaluation of longstanding judicial assignment procedures in divorce

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