Various plans over the last 20 years, by different owners, to save the historic Cuen House have never materialized. Now the town of Florence may be the one to do it at last. / Pinal Central
By Mark Cowling | Florence Reminder
The historic but badly-rundown “Cuen building” at 145 N. Main St. may have found its lifeline at last. The Town Council voted unanimously Sept. 4 look into the costs of saving the little adobe and adding it to the town’s list of capital improvement projects.
“I’d like to see the town take a proactive step to restore buildings on Main Street,” Councilwoman Becki Guilin said. Councilman John Anderson agreed, “We need to put our money where our mouth is.”
Specifically, the council directed town staff to hire a consultant to determine the costs of improving the Cuen building to the point it could obtain a certificate of occupancy. If the cost is reasonable, the council will add it to the town’s list of CIPs, or capital improvement projects.
““This structure was my first case in Pinal County – to expand the then Qwest Switching facility over 20 years ago.”