Jennifer Hall
By Callan Smith | Rose Law Group Reporter
We have a hard-working and fun team here at Rose Law Group and will be giving readers insight into the people who make our firm great. For our first interview, we had the opportunity to speak with Jennifer Hall, Senior Project Manager, via email.
When did you start working at Rose Law Group (RLG)?
September 2002.
I hear you were the second person Jordan hired – how did that come about?
I met Jordan in the late 90’s while working on political campaigns, referendums and propositions with her husband, Jason Rose. I had just finished managing a local congressional campaign and was pretty burnt out on politics. Jordan knew I was a hard worker and simply offered me a job, and I was thrilled to accept. It was just me and Jordan for a few years until she hired Court Rich and RLG really started to grow.
Jordan says you are the “essence of RLG” what do you think she means? What is the essence of RLG?
Hard working, drama free, respectful of colleagues, team player and extreme client service.
What was the actual office space like at that time – I keep hearing about the “Bowling alley” what was that?
When I first started working for Jordan, my “office” was the old supply closet that used to be Jordan’s office. As RLG grew, we needed to find a larger space and wound up moving into a space that was only partially constructed. Upon entrance, it was a nice looking office; however, when you headed down the hallway there was this huge empty room with electrical wires hanging down, exposed pipes (before it was hip) —that room was referred to as the “bowling alley” as you could literally fit a bowling alley in it. It had a fridge stocked with beer just waiting for Friday “happy hour”.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I love the fact that every case is different, there are always new challenges to overcome, a variety of projects so it never gets boring. Also, I love the people that I work with – we spend so much time together that we truly are a “family”. I enjoy the freedom that I have while working on cases—nobody is micro-managing me. RLG is very family friendly which helps when you have young ones with school events and activities; and finally, I love the feeling of accomplishment after winning a tough case.
I hear that you can make friends with anyone—any angry neighbor, anyone at all—without breaking any client confidence of course – can you tell me the circumstances of the most difficult neighbor relations you have handled?
A few years back we represented an amazing organization that provides medically supervised camps for very sick children and their families. Our job was to get the zoning approvals necessary for them to relocate into a permanent “home” as they had been leasing properties and wanted their very own space. I thought this case was a slam dunk, I mean who in their right mind could refuse such an amazing organization? I was completely shocked when the neighboring properties fought us the entire way. We had neighbors testifying at public hearings that if the camp is approved there will be kids running wild throughout the neighborhood – vandalizing and terrorizing the existing property owners. Again, I was just shocked that people can be so horrible and nasty. The children attending these camps are very sick and some rely on wheelchairs. It was quite difficult for me to put my own feelings aside and attempt to work with these neighbors. I’m a mom – my heart breaks for these children and their families. However, after many meetings and lots of discussions with the neighbors, the camp received the necessary approvals and has since settled into their new “home” – success!
How about the craziest case?
RLG was retained to take over a losing zoning case that was completely surrounded by neighborhood opposition. In fact, the neighbors had filed legal protests on all four sides of the subject property. Again, after many meetings and lots and lots of discussion we finally convinced the neighbors to rescind their opposition (on all 4 sides) and we won!
What was your favorite case?
There are too many to choose from.
What makes you smile at work the most?
Our amazing team!!
What do you do for fun?
Hanging with my kids, sporting events and school activities.
What’s your favorite restaurant?
OHSO or any place with a patio.
Rose Law Group has monthly “fun days” – you have attended 16 years’ worth of fun days – what was your favorite?
Hands down, “Chill or Thrill” – we got to choose between shooting guns or going to the spaaaaaaa!
Favorite RLG story that is publicly shareable…
There are so many great RLG stories…not sure if any are publicly shareable – LOL!