Blinded by Contempt; Protecting Your Children in Divorce by Kaine Fisher, Chairman of Rose Law Group Family Law Department for Arizona Foothills

Arizona Foothills Q&A with Kaine Fisher, Chairman of Rose Law Group Family Law Department

“It has now been 3 weeks since I filed for divorce. I have small children with my spouse. Our emotions are running high and things have become nasty. I really want to make sure I do the right thing by my children. I don’t want them to be screwed up after the dust settles. Can you lend any guidance?”

kaine fisher

I chuckle when I hear the word nasty and the word divorce used together. It’s redundant, don’t you think? It certainly is from my perspective. There are no winners. There are only losers. Perhaps the biggest losers are the children. I’m sure there are some divorces in this country that go smoothly, are finalized quickly, or lack contentiousness; I just don’t see them. I suppose if uncontested divorces were the norm I wouldn’t have much work to do.

With divorce rates continuing to climb in this country, the dynamic of co-parenting outside of a traditional family unit is the standard – not the exception. Unfortunately, parents can’t seem to help themselves from putting their children in the middle. Sure I have seen examples of divorced parents working together to effectively co-parent their children. But, as a whole, parents can do much better.

Divorce is nasty. It’s terrifying. Everyone understands that. But I urge parents to find a way to cope and be mindful of how your children are being affected by your conduct during this tough time. My method of keeping clients on track was constantly changing – that is until I stumbled upon a message which now seems to work every time.  Continue reading

You can reach Kaine Fisher at