Ashley Hutton

Ashley Hutton

Family and Litigation Attorney

Practice Areas: Family Law, Litigation

Ashley Hutton graduated cum laude from Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. Ashley is adept in negotiation, mediation, and trial practice skills to prepare for a career in litigation. She currently works in the family law and civil litigation departments. Ashley is a proud Arizona native, born and raised in the west Valley. In her spare time, she enjoys camping with her dog Puppet, painting, and baking.

In The News

Thinking of divorce? Before you split, you could try this 1 thing instead; Audra Petrolle, family attorney at Rose Law Group, comments

By Tonya Graser Smith | Kiplinger Thinking about divorce? You wouldn’t be alone this year – what with the pandemic causing divorces to spike – or any year, as many couples opt to start the next 12 months fresh by splitting up. But maybe you’re not ready for your marriage to become another COVID-19 victim. There is an intermediate step you could take before

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These honeymoon destinations lead to the most divorces; Audra Petrolle, family law attorney at Rose Law Group, shares insight

By AZ Business Magazine | AZ Big Media Is the thought of planning your honeymoon getting you through these tough, unprecedented times? You’re not alone, as 27,000 Google searches are made globally each month for honeymoon destinations. With a recent survey from showing Elvis Presley’s “I Can’t Help Falling in Love” as the most divorceable first wedding dance song, were

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