Opportunity Zones
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 created the Opportunity Zones program, which allows states to designate Opportunity Zones (“Zones”) within their state lines wherein investment may provide significant tax incentives. Under this program, investors can delay paying tax on capital gains until as late as December 31, 2026 if those gains are invested in Opportunity Funds (“Funds”) that invest in Zones across the country. Arizona’s Zones were approved in April 2018, making it one of the first states in the country to have its Zones officially designated.
These tax benefits could drastically reduce the cost of capital for these projects; for example, gains on investments in Funds can be federal income tax-free if the investment is held for at least 10 years. Rose Law Group provides a variety of services in conjunction with the Opportunity Zones program to help fund sponsors, developers, and investors unlock the full potential of the Opportunity Zones program. Our attorneys have studied the program extensively and know how to help you and your company get the greatest value from the Opportunity Zones program.
To learn more about Opportunity Zones, see Rose Law Group’s recent articles below.
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