Education Law
Rose Law Group pc is dedicated to ensuring all of your education law needs are met. We represent charter schools, school districts, board members, superintendents, students and administrators in a wide variety of ways, including:
- Developing comprehensive operating agreements and policies and procedures for schools, including procedures for special education students and students protected by Section 504.
- Advising charter schools on issues relating to formation, compliance, and dealings with management entities.
- Assisting schools and school districts in developing procedures and Independent Education Plans (IEPs) for students with special needs, which meet all state and federal requirements.
- Defending and litigating claims by students and families.
- Advising schools and school districts on the constitutional and statutory rights and responsibilities of students.
- Advising Board members and administrators on issues such as open meeting laws.
- Providing employment contracts and advice on issues such as termination of employees.
- Creating and reviewing management agreements for Charter Management Organizations (CMOs) and Education Management Organizations (EMOs).
- Negotiating, drafting or reviewing lease or purchase contracts for schools.
- Advising school districts on how to comply with governmental requirements, including No Child Left Behind and FERPA.
- Representing school administrators and governing boards in student disciplinary hearings.
- Zoning, lease and legislative relations with state and local governments, including negotiations with Town or City Councils and neighboring communities.
- Labor contracts and negotiations.
- Drug testing policies, mandatory random drug testing of student athletes.
- Construction and other contract disputes.
- Freedom of speech and press issues.
- Public records requests and compliance with open meeting laws.
- Sexual harassment matters, including student to student claims.
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In The News

New school building in Paradise Valley receives construction permit as Rose Law Group Founder and President Jordan Rose provides details about the project
Photo courtesy of ADM Group By Janet Perez | YourValley The Paradise Valley Planning Commission has approved a minor special use permit amendment that will allow Phoenix Country Day School to construct a new music building. The commission approved the request at its Tuesday, Oct. 15, meeting in a 6-0 vote. Commission Chair Karen Liepmann was absent from the meeting. The new music building will be in the same area as the old building near the western

Jordan Rose, founder and president of Rose Law Group, pitches new Phoenix Country Day School performance arts center to PV commission
COURTESY TOWN OF PARADISE VALLEY By MacKenzie Brower | YourValley The Paradise Valley Planning Commission continues to review Phoenix Country Day School’s proposal for a new performance arts center and parking lot. The commission has until March 5 to review and make a recommendation to Town Council. Two study sessions have been held Dec. 5 and Jan. 16 with some members also touring the site between meetings. A neighborhood meeting is scheduled for Feb. 8 in PCDS’ welcome center before the public hearing Feb. 20. Paradise Valley, Scottsdale and Phoenix residents are within

Republicans push to grant Arizona ‘Dreamers’ in-state tuition. ‘A great move,’ says Darius Amiri, immigration law chair at Rose Law Group
Opinion: Why would anyone in the Legislature want to block voters from deciding whether undocumented immigrants should qualify for in-state tuition? By Laurie Roberts | Arizona Republic Arizona voters may get the chance next year to make it possible for certain undocumented immigrants to go to college, thanks to … a pair of Republicans? GOP Reps. Michelle Udall and Joel
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