Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Director Misael Cabrera
By Jake Kincaid | PinalCentral
As EPCOR peers into the inner workings of Johnson Utilities, state actors who have struggled to regulate them into compliance anxiously await what they may find, with the potential consequence of freezing development across the Johnson Utilities service area.
While EPCOR asked for patience, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Director Misael Cabrera said the agency would not be issuing approvals for construction in the Johnson Utilities service area until they get more information from the new interim manager.
EPCOR representatives told the Arizona Corporation Commission that based on the resources that are in Johnson Utilities’ accounts, they are “quite confident” they can make significant improvements to the utility’s infrastructure with the resources they now have full access to — $24 million in Johnson Utilities’ accounts and $2 million in subsidiary Hunt Management’s accounts.