Florence Officials Optimistic As EPCOR Agrees To Buy Johnson Utilities; Court Rich Echos Their Sentiments

(Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents landowners and homebuilders working with the ACC to find a utility solution in the Johnson Utilities service area.)

By Mark Cowling | Florence Reminder Blade Tribune

SAN TAN VALLEY — EPCOR Water, the company appointed to run Johnson Utilities two years ago, announced it has reached an agreement to buy it.

The town of Florence, which seriously considered buying JU itself in past years, hasn’t taken a position for or against EPCOR’s pending purchase.

But Vice Mayor John Anderson, who is also a JU customer, said Tuesday, “It can only get better. I’m excited about it. I think EPCOR will do a good job for us. They’ve got a pretty good reputation and they seem to be serious about what they’re doing.”


“EPCOR purchasing Johnson Utilities is nothing but good news for residents, landowners, and builders. Nevertheless, there are some substantial issues that need to be solved quickly in order to remove moratoriums that have already been in place for two years on some land in Johnson’s service territory. I am optimistic that EPCOR and the ACC are ready to solve some of these problems very quickly. “

– Court Rich, Rose Law Group Co-Founder