A new breed of ‘enlightened’ lawyers? Rose Law Group practices mindful breathing

By Christian Minson, Breathflow

I just returned from a short trip to the Phoenix area…to present a workshop that represents a highlight of my 15+ year career as a presenter and breathwork trainer:

One day last week, I delivered a breathwork presentation, complete with the full experience of the Breathflow Integrative Breathing Processto a room full of 20 employees from a prestigious law firm, the Rose Law Group. And 15 of the people in attendance were lawyers! To their credit, they let go and allowed themselves to fully dive into the experience.

This definitely marks a shift in the collective consciousness over the years. I would dare say that just a few years back it was relatively unheard of for groups of high-powered business people–and especially lawyers–to be involved in what was considered in the past to be too “wooo-woo” or “new-agey.”

But now, more and more people from all echelons of life are beginning to understand the life-and-performance-enhancing results of the powerful Breathflow process–a process that works directly to improve our physical health, emotional well-being, and access to our limitless potential–and they are starting to flock in droves!

Check out this beautiful feedback from the founder of the law group, and the one who invited me, Jordan Rose:

“Christian. Your breathwork has had a dramatically positive affect on me, my YPO Forum [Young Presidents Organization] and my law firm. 

Lawyers may not be known as the most health conscious people, and my YPO Forum was for the most part not that into holistic health. 

You came in and within 2 hours changed our lives for the better. Most people talked later about achieving clarity on tough things they were going through in life, and in the process we all became more tightly bonded together in a shared experience. 

We will be having you back many times but the gift you gave to us will last forever. Thank you so very much for being such a terrific teacher.”

If you or someone you know would like to take their company to a whole new level of productivity, connection, and flow in the workplace, please reach out…I’m on a mission!